Some BPO companies accept high school graduates and job seekers as young as 18 years old can also work in a call center provided that they would be able to pass all the tedious hiring process. Watch as a 4 year old tries to perform our job and it looks to me that he was able to ace it.
I would give this kid a 10/10 since he was able to nail the opening script, empathy most of all awesome closing spiel by providing all the necessary information. From the looks of it this should work for irate callers, I mean how could you shout or curse to a young kid. Well for us, It's always a good day if we did not encounter a shouting customer or a customer that has thrown all the curse words at you however, there's would always be a good feeling inside once you pacify and helped an angry caller. How would you rate the kid's performance? Head on to the comments section so that we can discuss. After taking calculated risks, you have finally decided to leave your current employer due to health reasons, lack of career growth, or a greener pasture, etc. Just like you, I always look forward in receiving my back pay because it can be used as savings or as an additional fund that you can utilize while transitioning to your new job. Computation of back pay may vary depending on your company polices however, the following items should be considered. 1. Last Salary – your last salary may be withheld and will be release as back pay. 2. Pro Rated 13th month pay. 3. Tax Refund 4. Vacation and Sick Leave conversion (if convertible to cash). 5. Other deductions or liabilities – loans or lost equipment (Headset, locker keys, etc.) Illustration of Last Pay Slip for Back Pay Aside from your last pay the employer should also release your Certi...
Very Good.